
Black Marble presenting at TechDays Online!

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Black Marble presenting at TechDays Online!

January 10, 2015

TechDays Online is three days (and one evening, this year) of technical content delivered by MVPs and Microsoft evangelists across a broad range of topics, streamed live.

Each day covers a different topic area and is lead by one of the Microsoft DX team. Tuesday is led by Ed Baker and is around Devices and managing a mobile first world. Rik Hepworth will be talking about Azure Active Directory, and Robert Hogg is doing a session on Internet of Things with Microsoft’s Paul Foster.

Tuesday evening is An evening with Office 365.

Wednesday sees Andrew Fryer curating The Journey to the cloud-first world and Friday, Martin Beeby is in the chair for Multi-device cross platform development. Richard Fennell presents on the final day.


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