
Black Marble represented by 6 MVPs at the UK MVP Summit

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Black Marble represented by 6 MVPs at the UK MVP Summit

April 27, 2017

Every year, the UK contingent of Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals get together to share thoughts and ideas about the technology world they live, and what else they can do to support their community.

Ably organised by UK and Ireland MVP lead Claire Smyth, it took place this year at the RAF Museum at Hendon - with a meal under the wings of a Lancaster Bomber!

We were delighted this year that all six of our MVPs were able to attend, and even managed to capture the moment!

MVPs at Hendon

The theme of the Summit was around Community Connect, and encouraged all the MVPs to share their experiences and ways they could support one another. With the global MVP Summit pushed back from the Autumn to Spring 2018, this will be the only opportunity for the group to meet in 2017.

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