Development Operations

DevOps in the Cloud

DevOps in the Cloud

Using Azure DevOps to manage your Dev and Test process in the cloud.

More than just a technology or tool set, Azure DevOps is a mind-set that requires real business change to implement in any organisation. It requires change in people and process, using the right tools to make the application lifecycle process faster and more predictable. With effective Azure DevOps, we can help your teams respond faster to competitive pressures by replacing manual processes with automation for improved traceability and repeatable workflows.

Black Marble can help bring your development teams and IT teams together, forging better collaboration and addressing the needs of the business with our Dev and Test in the Cloud service. Black Marble can work with your teams to define how to run environments either on premises or in the cloud, including how to use the cloud to augment the system when the load requires it!

Black Marble can assist with the following:

1. Provisioning Test Environments in the Cloud using Azure and Visual Studio

Online Aimed at Dev & Test Managers, Black Marble can either educate your teams via a 1 day workshop, providing an overview of the technology and scope, or carry out the provisioning for your team by our in-house consultants.

2. Deploying to Azure

Making use of Visual Studio Online, we can work with your team to enhance the build and deploy story, to put your solution/code into the cloud.

3. Testing the code

Any continuous delivery process automation of testing is critical to success. This can be at many levels including unit testing within the build process, integration testing as part of a release process or manual testing. Black Marble can help you develop a robust set of reliable tests across the whole ALM process.

Get in touch to arrange a meeting to discuss your business needs, to address how we can help you integrate the cloud into your provision, deploy and test process.